Free Meditations

Here’s A Link to word-for-word scripts for all the meditations below. Use them to guide a friend of yours in any of the practices (it’s fun!) or if you’re deaf.

Meditation Buffet

There are a wide variety of meditation techniques, and some of them even have contradictory instructions. But all meditation techniques develop the same core skills of Concentration, Clarity, and Balance. In this meditation, I’ll give you a quick tour of three very different meditation techniques, so you get a sense of what’s out there.

Here’s the main take away I want you to remember. If you’re into meditation, you’ll probably listen to all sorts of guidances. If you hear instructions that contradict what you’ve heard before, that’s not a problem—just follow along. The teacher is simply guiding you in a unique technique that you haven’t encountered before. And that’s no big deal, because all the techniques develop the same core skills. Hopefully, this realization will allow you to appreciate and learn from the wide variety of meditation techniques out there. Enjoy.

The Concentration Algorithm

Learn a “concentration algorithm”. Here’s the basic idea:

  1. Try to concentrate on something

  2. Notice what type of experience you were most distracted by

  3. Choose the distraction as your next object of meditation

  4. Repeat, starting with step #1

This strategy leads to two insights. First, you’ll realize that you can use any type of sensory experience (sound, thought, emotion, etc.) as your object of meditation--the breath isn’t the only option. Second, after a few rounds of switching, you’ll likely land on an object of meditation that you’re naturally drawn toward, and is therefore easier to focus on. Going straight to that object the next time you meditate will allow you to quickly attain sustained concentration.

Decision Making

A common critique of meditation is that it's a waste of time: If you're stressed out, you should do something to improve your situation, rather than just sit quietly and gaze at your navel. In this guided meditation, we'll debunk this critique by learning a simple decision making meditation. You'll learn how to bring wisdom, love, and power to a decision that’s on your mind, readying you to spring forth and take skillful action in your life.

Slowing the Outbreath

The breath is like the gears of the mind and body. If you’re driving fast in a car, and then you slam the car into a low gear, the car will slow down right away. The car just can’t go very fast in a low gear. Similarly, if your mind and body are unsettled, and then you drastically slow the breath, the mind and body follow suit. Slowing the breath can lead to a calm and relaxed body and a quiet, focused mind.


You may have heard of "impermanence" as an important theme in meditation practice. In this guided meditation, we’ll explore impermanence directly by noticing any and all changes in our body sensations. For example:

  • A body sensation beginning or ending

  • A body sensation getting more intense or less intense

  • A body sensation changing in size or shape

  • A body sensation vibrating or undulating

This may sound simple, but with dedicated practice, it becomes profound. A focus on Flow helps to break up solid-seeming sensory experience into a pleasant massage of energy. These types of practices enable you to contact effervescent joy on-demand.

In this guided meditation, you’ll also learn how to use spoken labels. Spoken labels are the first line of defence if your Concentration is low.

Your Guide

Toby Sola

Toby Sola is dedicated to helping you create a feedback loop between your meditation practice and your ability to make the world a better place. So the more you meditate, the more effective you are in the world. And the more effective you are, the deeper your meditation practice becomes.

Toby has been teaching meditation for two decades. His craft as a teacher has been refined through years of monastic training and close collaboration with the world-renowned teacher Shinzen Young. Toby is an award-winning designer and the founder of Brightmind.

Twitter: @tobysola

Instagram: @tobyornottoby3000

Spotify Playlist: Toby’s Tunes

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Brightmind’s motto is, “make it as simple as possible, but no simpler”. So Brightmind takes deep and transformative practices and explains them in simple and practical ways. Making things as simple as possible—but not any simpler—leads to efficient and effective learning and growth.

I used Calm for years, but felt like my practice had plateaued. With Brightmind, I’m actually starting to understand how meditation works and feel like I’m making clear progress!
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