Label Tracker App

When you meditate, do you have trouble concentrating? Say hello to the label tracker. It's a unique app that actually helps you remain focused. It may sound a little weird, but just try it; it totally works!

Here’s how it works. If you say a label at least once every 15 seconds, nothing happens. But if you're silent for 15 seconds, a bell rings to remind you to keep up with your labeling. So the label tracker helps you implement the two suggestions for what to do if your concentration is low: use spoken labels and pay special attention to the pacing of your labels.

Many of you will remember that Brightmind's timer used to have an optional Label Tracker feature. Long story short, it was really buggy and didn't work very well. Part of the reason for this is that Brightmind works on both iPhones and Androids, of which there are many different models (each with their own microphone engineering). So we decided to simplify things and release a version of the Label Tracker specifically for iPhones, in hopes that will work better.

To be clear, this is an entirely separate app that you'll download. It's free! Tell your friends!